R Commands For Mac

134 Shortcuts for RStudio (MacOS) Platform: win, mac add Related: RStudio Index, Open Source Shortcuts, IDE Shortcuts, R Editor Shortcuts, MacOS Shortcuts.

  1. Command R Not Working Mac
  2. Mac Command R Doesn't Work
  3. R Commands For Mac Windows 10
  4. Mac Startup Commands
  • 30 keyboard shortcuts Mac users need to know This collection of keyboard shortcuts for macOS can help users get the most from their iMacs, MacBook Pro and MacBook laptops.
  • List of R Commands & Functions abline – Add straight lines to plot. Abs – Compute the absolute value of a numeric data object. Aggregate – Compute summary statistics of subgroups of a data set.
  • REGENALL (Command) Regenerates the drawing and refreshes all viewports. REGENAUTO (Command) Controls automatic regeneration of a drawing. REGION (Command) Converts an object that encloses an area into a region object. RENAME (Command) Changes the names assigned to items such as layers and dimension styles.
  • Different Between R in Windows and Mac. For the Mac Users, commands and shortcuts would be slightly different. Ctrl+Alt+R: Command+Option+R: Run from document beginning to current line: Ctrl+Alt+B: Command+Option+B: Run from current line to document end: Ctrl+Alt+E: Command+Option+E.

Delete files and folders.

The rm utility removes symbolic links, not the files referenced by the links.

Expanding variables

If you are expanding a variable always put quotes around the filename in case it contains spaces:

rm '$filename'

R commands for mac commands

Command R Not Working Mac

Also consider the case where the $variable has not been set: rm -rf /$variable is not a good idea.

Undeletable files

To delete a file with non-printable characters in the name: 'bad file name' Use the shell wildcard '?' for each character

Mac Command R Doesn't Work

rm bad?file?name

If an error occurs, rm exits with a value >0.



Delete all .jpg files in the current folder:
$ rm *.jpg
Delete the folder named 'temp', and all its contents:
$ rm -R temp
Delete a protected folder:
you will be prompted for your password. hit return.

R Commands For Mac Windows 10

Move the file Hunter.txt to the Trash using mv. The tilde ~ indicates that the .Trash folder is located in the users home.


$ mv Hunter.txt ~/.Trash

“The erase function in Disk Utility can erase an entire partition”

Related macOS commands:


cp - Copy files
find - Find and optionally Delete files.
ls - List information about files.
mv - Move files and/or folders.
rmdir - Remove empty folder.
srm - Securely remove files or directories.
trimforce - Enable TRIM commands on third-party drives.
HT1526 - You can't empty the Trash or move a file to the Trash.

R Commands For Mac

Mac Startup Commands

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